You can customize the thumbnail of any video, audio or document that you upload.
Go to the Content Page Settings the file is in.
With Videos, this can be any image file at all that you may have on your computer, of any size. ISEBOX will reformat the image to fit the video frame best as possible, however it is best to upload an image of the same "shape" as your video. For example, a landscape image versus a portrait image would work best.
Typically, you will want this to be a very specific frame of the video. You can obtain this image by doing a screen capture after pausing the video on the frame you desire. This can be done using screen capture software, or pressing the PRINT SCREEN button on your keyboard and pasting into a graphic editor program and saving the image.
Go to the Content Page Settings the file is in.
For Audio simply visit the Audio tab of the Content Page Settings and click the binoculars when hovering over the file, and choose from your computer.
For Documents, we recommend using a screenshot of the actual document itself. Here's a little tutorial for how best to do this: TUTORIAL
With Videos, this can be any image file at all that you may have on your computer, of any size. ISEBOX will reformat the image to fit the video frame best as possible, however it is best to upload an image of the same "shape" as your video. For example, a landscape image versus a portrait image would work best.
Typically, you will want this to be a very specific frame of the video. You can obtain this image by doing a screen capture after pausing the video on the frame you desire. This can be done using screen capture software, or pressing the PRINT SCREEN button on your keyboard and pasting into a graphic editor program and saving the image.
Go to the Video tab for the ISEBOX page you wish to customize the thumbnail for.
Click the Binoculars button below the thumbnail of the desired video.
Choose the image that you wish to use as the thumbnail, and click Upload
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