You can password protect entire Projects, with all their contained Content Pages with one password. This password will override any other passwords that have been applied on Content Pages. When the password is removed at project level, all Content Pages will return as they were, with previous passwords if any.
To password protect a single Content Page click here.
Hint: Password protecting a project means that previously shared links to content pages (within the project) will require the user to enter the set password.
To set a password for your entire Project:
1.) Click on Projects in the Navigation Menu.
2a.) Password protecting a new project: Click the green New Project button.
2b.) Password protecting an existing project: Click the gearwheel when hovering with the mouse over the to-be-passworded project.
3.) Clicking Password Protect reveals a field to enter a password and a contact email from whom a user can request access.
4.) Then click Save & Exit.
Hint: You will see a green message popping up on top if everything has been done properly.
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